Monday, June 22, 2009


There is evidence of effects of global warming in my country because the average of the maximum temperature in the Littoral region of the country a year ago was 31 degrees centigrade, but now if is around 36 degrees Celsius. There are some occurrences of marine storms that we usually call calemas, which have become more and more violent and erosive. Moreover, we observed during the rain season much more quantity of rains than meteorologists expected, and more than what happened 10 or 20 years ago. On the shoreline, it is clear to see strong erosion marks against rocks, houses destroyed, soil eroded and bridge damages. These could be effects of sea level rising and wind increasing along of the coast. Another kind of evidence we have been identifying is increase of ravines in many places main in the interior. Flooding have been frequent, in the urban areas for example, the cities located in the plateau. The government has constructed new channels to evacuate the water from cities caused by rains. Furthermore, Angola has a variety of geographic settings, including desert that is known as the Namibe desert, where desertification has take place so fast. In this area the government and environmentalists organized campaigns for people engaged in the replanting processes. Even though the government has been making a lot of efforts, the situation has become worse due to the climate change. In conclusion, global warming is a global problem, so it will affect all of us wherever we are; therefore, our participation as environmentalists for saving the environment is urgent and very important.

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