Friday, June 19, 2009


Currently, as population grows faster, and people consume more and more natural resources, so there is widely extended environmental degradation. Human activities release carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. Industries, fossil fuel, consumption, deforestation and land use change are contributing to global warming. This warming caused by quantity of CO2 into the atmosphere will cause planet castrastrophe. Global warming is unavoidable and there are people who think that we can deal with risk because there is scientific knowledge to justify it. Furthermore, people are more concerned about reducing weight than saving the planet. What we can do as an individual to promote environmental sustainability? Have we already thought about being responsible? Honestly, have we decided to know how much carbon footprint we spend? However, we can inspire a household to be environment friendly, replacing slowly, improving in energy and efficiency in automobiles and appliances, houses and industries, thus reducing its carbon emission to the atmosphere.

A household can reduce its gas emission using energy and technology efficiency in cars. Worldwide emissions depending on carbon dioxide from fuel combustion have been rising for many years. Moreover, carbon dioxide emissions depend on the carbon content of the fuels. Using more efficient cars and power plants, people save money and reduce gas emission. For example, if people a car that is technically and energy-efficient, it can help reduce vehicle fuel consumption and increase mileage. For example, as hybrid cars use clean fuel which incorporates fuel cells that combine stored hydrogen with oxygen from the air to produce electricity. People might use motor vehicles that are inexpensive, safe, and can drive a long distance without the need to refill. Another example is Barack Obama on environment: “When I announced my proposal to increase fuel efficiency standards on cars, I went to Detroit in front of the automakers and said they had to change their ways ” (2009, para.x). These can result in friendly environment.

Homes of the energy efficient construction can consume less energy for heating, cooking and heating water and guide us to save money. Houses should improve building systems promoting environmental construction, providing their designers and manufactures with solar home panels, for instance to install at home photovoltaics panel to generate energy that can pump water, refrigerate, charge batteries and supply homes with lighting. The solar energy systems are more efficient because they concentrate sun energy, cost less expensive and have environmental benefit. In addition, some energy improvement can be made in older homes to reduce heating and cooling cost. A green house is better protected from cold, heat, moisture, pollution and noise. Green buildings provide, environmental, ecological and social sustainability.

The increasing technology and efficiency will help to reduce in industries energy consumption and environment degradation. Industries with high CO2 emission that contribute to global warming, acid precipitation and other environmental problems is possible to separate carbon dioxide produced during the combustion of fossil fuels and then isolate it from the atmosphere. For example, factories can use cogeneration, which is one energy technology with a bright future which is a combination of heat and power. This system can enable hospitals, hotels, restaurants, factories and others business to use less energy. Using solar, wind, biomass, and other forms of renewable energy is the goal to reduce gas emission. The government should incorporate regulations for having low emission rate and increase the competitive pressure to change to renewable energy.

Some people say that homeowners have to pay lot of money to installing renewable energy sources. The systems can be expensive to purchase and install and they provide electricity only intermittently, when weather conditions permit, but during unfavorable conditions residents must purchase electricity from their local utility. The argument is irrelevant because the system permits homeowners to produce their own energy to a “net meter” Their electricity consumer saves money while contributing to a cleaner environment. Furthermore, the government gives many tax credits which are accessible to consumers to improve their homes’ energy efficiencies.
It is clear that a good way to pursue an environmentally healthy household is to increase the technology and gradually introduce energy efficiency in automobiles and appliances, houses and industries. Technology helps to contribute the achievement of the objective, but government can also insist on regulating and implementing encouraged measures for using renewable energy. These will provide to save money, make industries more sophisticated, and make houses more comfortable and environmental friendly. Alternative Energy Source (N.D). “Tips on grants and saving money Retrieved June, 16 2009 from http:www.and of course access to the Living Database Of US Renewable Energy Incentives. Many governments now recognize that by necessity. Think economic crisis pushing along renewable and energy-efficiency” (N.D). Finally, carbon dioxide footprint can be reduced or eliminated from the environment by householders involving and improving technology and efficient appliances in cars, houses and industries.

Barack Obama on environment (2007). On TheIssues. Retrieved June 7, 2009. From
Obama, B. (2009, May 19). Obama’s Fuel Efficiency Proposal. CBS6. Retrieved June 7,2009, from
Western Daily Press (2008, Jan.). Step up for a lower carbon footprint. Highbeam research Jan 2008. Retrieved, May 21, 2009, from
Montana green power (ND). Frequently asked questions::Energy –efficient New Construction. Retrieved, June 7, 2009, from

Leiserowitz, A. (2009, Jan 6). “American Support for Local Action on Global Warming” Roper-Yale Environment Poll. Retrieved May 31, 2009 from

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