Monday, June 22, 2009

How to Convince a Household to be Green

The topic of this paper is how to convince household to be Green. It argues that a household should be friendly environmental for saving the planet. Pollution has been global problem, so improving energy efficiency helps a household be green environmentally. There are 3 ways to accomplish this for this. First, we have to increase the energy efficiency of automobiles. Second, we should increase the energy efficiency of houses. Finally, we should increase the energy of efficiency in appliances.
Currently, it is important to have adequate comprehension that human activity has been the main risk to harm the environment. Population grows faster, causing widespread environmental degradation. There are people who think that CO2 emission is more dangerous to the planet than we thought, and we have to make an urgent decision, but there are others who think that we can deal with risk because there is scientific knowledge to justify it. Population is the biggest problem because increasing population growth will continue to increase the environmental degradation. Population growth forces people to expand urban and suburb an areas, shrinking agricultural land and natural areas. Automobiles, factories and buildings cause emissions such as sulfur oxides and carbon oxides into the atmosphere, causing environmental problems.
Moreover carbon dioxide emission has been the principal cause of global warming, because it is produced in the greatest quantity. The high temperature caused by global warming, will change food production, and reduce in water supply, pressing population to migrate to another areas where there is a water supply. It will reduce biodiversity, and cause deforestation, which makes reduction and extinction of species and agricultural problem. It will raise sea level; infrastructures in coastal areas will flood, and coral reefs, and wetlands will be destroyed, forcing erosion in the area. It will increase violent weather, heat waves, and droughts, and create more hurricanes and typhoons. Human health could be in danger from spreading diseases. This could result in a tragedy for the human and planet. Consequently, what should we do to face the threat of global warming? Are you concerned with global warming? Have you already decided to calculate your own carbon footprint?
However, this is the issue. There is the fastest, cheapest and most effective way to reduce carbon dioxide and other pollutant emission into the atmosphere. It is logical to begin greenhouse emissions with where consumption occurs; therefore, we start from the household carbon footprint. In order to make a household cooperate to reduce its carbon footprint, we have to increase the energy efficiency of automobiles, houses and appliances, thus reducing the output of the CO2. According to the Obama’s proposal “we should promote green technologies and fuel efficiency standard ” (Obama, 2007, para 2). I will describe how to make household closely to a green planet. Finally, I will explain that a household can reduce carbon dioxide by increasing energy efficiency in cars, houses and appliances.
A household can reduce its gas emission using energy and technology efficiency in cars. Worldwide emissions resulting from on carbon dioxide from fuel combustion have been rising for many years. R.L. Berg and M.C. Hager say that carbon dioxide emissions also depend on the carbon content of the fuels (2007). Using more efficient cars, people save money and reduce gas emission. For example, if people a car that is technically and energy-efficient, it can help reduce vehicle fuel consumption and increase mileage. Cars use clean fuel which incorporates fuel cells that combine stored hydrogen with oxygen from the air to produce electricity. People might use motor vehicles that are inexpensive, safe, and can drive a long distance without the need to refill.
Furthermore, in Barack Obama on environment: he says “This to happen, we’ve got to be courageous enough to not just talk about it in front of the Sierra Club or organizations already sympathetic to us. When I announced my proposal to increase fuel efficiency standards on cars, when I announced my proposal to increase fuel efficiency standards on cars, I went to Detroit in front of the automakers and said they had to change their ways. I have to say the room was quiet and nobody clapped, but that’s okay. Part of what the next president has to do is not just tell the American people what they want to hear, but what they need to hear” (2009, para.6). This changing would mark a new era for the next generation. On the other hand, the government should provide credits to people who want to buy a green car.
Nowadays, energy efficiency is one the most debatable issues in congresses, parliaments, and governments, and it could constitute an important issue to researchers for making a new change worldwide. However, emissions of nitrogen oxides have increased because the combination of overpopulation and growth in distances traveled. The control of pollution has been based on cleanup rather than pollution prevention. The easy way to begin to reduce car pollution is finding substitutes for banned or reduced products that release hydrocarbons. People have to starting energy efficiency by reducing use of fossil fuels, especially oil and coal, and consecutively shifting to renewable energy sources. This action should be taken in account together.
Moreover, energy efficiency requires technology which offers better performance and less pollution. It is time for making a decision, therefore the quick and efficient measure to take households involved in a green environment would be to slowly introduce on the market vehicles that are fuel efficient, and prohibit selling conventional vehicles. G.T. Miller, Jr. said “ Find substitutes for or ban use of consumer products that release hydrocarbons, including aerosol propellants, paints, household cleaners, and barbecue starter fluids.”(1994, p.126) Consequently, new technology implies probable additional costs which make new automobiles a little expensive. It might frustrate people, but this is the new reality that it has to be done, and people have to confront that situation in order to go green, to save the planet and themselves.
Barak Obama says the environment: “Here’s the deal we can make with auto companies. It’s a piece of legislation I introduced called Health Care for Hybrids, and it would allow the federal government to pick up part of the tab for the auto companies retiree health care costs. In exchange, the auto companies would then use some of that savings to build and invest more fuel efficient cars” (2008, para.13). For those who don’t have money to buy new car, bicycling to work is how they maintain their physique or they take public transportation or commute. The new fuel efficient vehicle should have lower toxic emission, better fuel economy and better performance. Automobiles should be changed to a renewable energy source such as ethanol, biodiesel, natural gas, propane, and hydrogen and solar.
Homes of the energy efficient construction can consume less energy for heating, cooking and heating water and guide us to save money. G.T. Miller Jr. mentioned that we should “Use energy-efficient light bulbs, refrigerators, and other appliances” (1994, p. 116). Houses should improve building systems promoting environmental construction, providing their designers and manufactures with solar home panels, for instance to install at home photovoltaics panel to generate energy that can pump water, refrigerate, charge batteries and supply homes with lighting. The solar energy systems are more efficient because they concentrate sun energy, cost less expensive and have environmental benefit. G.T.Miller, Jr. says, “Use solar energy to heat household space or water as much as possible” (1994, p 116). In addition, some energy improvement can be made in older homes to reduce heating and cooling cost. A green house is better protected from cold, heat, moisture, pollution and noise. Green buildings provide, environmental, ecological and social sustainability.
Furthermore, Montana Greenpower says, “There currently are a number of tax credits both federal and state available to consumers for improving their home’s energy efficiency. For example, credits are available for energy-efficient windows and doors, insulation, roofs, heating and cooling systems, water heaters, and biomass stoves” (n.d., para.3). This is a good incentive for making a household go green. The houses are considered one of the potential pollution emitters into the atmosphere, mainly produced by combustion of fossil fuel. Montana Greenpower said “Did you know that your home can be a greater source of pollution than your car? In fact, 16 percent of U.S. greenhouse gas emissions are generated from the energy used in houses nationwide” (n.d., para.114 ). There are other pollutants such as CFCs existing in air conditioners, refrigerators, and others products that must be replaced by injecting new products with energy efficiency, cleaned by removing chorine and propane into the atmosphere or banned by taking them away G.T. Miller, Jr., in his article, says that Lovins argues, “Greatly improving worldwide energy efficiency now is a money –saving, life-saving, Earth-saving offer that we should not refuse, even if climate change was not a possibility” ( -------page)
Also plant at least a tree for each house to help to clean the environment. Larry, West mentioned, “ If you have the means to plant a tree, start digging. During photosynthesis, trees and other plants absorb carbon dioxide and give off oxygen. There is an integral part of the natural atmospheric exchange cycle here on Earth, but there are too few of them to fully counter the increases in carbon dioxide caused by automobile traffic, manufacturing and other human activities. A single tree will absorb approximately one ton of carbon dioxide during its lifetime.” (n.d.para.8). We have to improve energy efficient, reducing use of fossil fuel and control population growth. Government should regulate and inspect which house hasn’t planted, so it should pay a fine.
The increasing technology and efficiency will help to improve accommodations by making them a more convenient and friendlier environment. We should create energy conservation and efficiency for utilities, so this helps people to be green and save money and electricity. For example, utilities should have energy efficient compact light bulbs, air conditioners, storm windows, doors, refrigerators and heaters or other appliances. Larry, West says, “ Wherever practical, replaces regular light bulbs with compact fluorescent light (CFL) bulbs. Replacing just one 60-watt incandescent light bulb with a CFL will save you $30 over the life of the bulb. CFLs also last 10 times longer than incandescent bulbs, use two-thirds less energy, and give off 70 percent less heat. If every U.S. family replaces one regular light bulb with a CFLs, it would eliminate 90 billion pounds of greenhouse gases, the same as taking 7.5 million cars off the road” (n.d., para. 3).
Using solar, wind, biomass, and other forms of renewable energy is the goal to reduce gas emission. Energy efficiency such as insulation is easy to install. Solid waste produced should be reduced, through the reducing, reusing products, and recycling materials. Recycling conserves natural resources and is friendlier environmentally. Larry, West says, “ Do your part to reduce waste by choosing reusable products instead of disposables. Buying products with minimal packaging (including the economy size when that makes sense for you) will help to reduce waste. And whenever you can, recycle paper, plastic, newspaper, glass and aluminum cans. If there isn’t a recycling program at your workplace, school, or in your community, ask about starting one. By recycling half of your household waste, you can save 2,400 pounds of carbon dioxide annually” (n.d., para1). All these are ways to incorporate households being green because they could have conserved appliances and slowly increased the competitive pressure for changing to renewable energy.
It is clear that a good way to pursue an environmentally healthy household is to increase the technology and gradually introduce energy efficiency in automobiles, houses and appliances. Technology helps to contribute the achievement of the objective, but government can also insist on regulating and implementing encouraged measures for using renewable energy. These will provide to household saving money, making houses more comfortable and being green. Finally, Alternative Energy Sources mentioned “Tips on grants and saving money and of course access to the Living Database Of US Renewable Energy Incentives. Many governments now recognize that by necessity. Think economic crisis pushing along renewable and energy-efficiency” (2009, p.428) carbon dioxide can be reduced or eliminated from the environment by householders involving and improving technology and energy efficient in cars, houses and appliances, and government should give many tax credits which are accessible to consumers to improve their homes’ energy efficiencies.

Alternative Energy Sources (n.d.). Alternative Energy Sources Governments Offer All Kinds of Solar Energy Grant. Retrieved from

Berg, R. L. & Hager M.C. (2007) Visualizing Environment Science: Air and Air Pollution. U.S Wisley National Geographic

Montana Greenpower (n.d). Frequently Asked Questions::Energy-Efficient New Construction. Retrieved June 7, 2009 from

Miller, Jr.,G.T. (1994). Environment Problems and Solutions. Belmont, California: A Division of Wadsworth, Inc.

Obama, B. (2007) Obama on environment. OnThelssues. Promote green technologies and fuel efficiency standards. Retrieved June 7, 2009 from

West, L. (ND) Environmental Issues: Top 10 Things You Do to Reduce Global Warming. Retrieved from June 18, 2009 from

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